< Things to Do on the Plane (How to have a productive flight?)

Things to Do on the Plane (How to have a productive flight?)

What is up? You guys are welcome back. So today, I will discuss things to do on the plane. Because plane rides can get pretty boring, you’ll have a pretty productive flight if you use these steps.

Take Off Your Shoes , Get Comfy

Take Off Your Shoes , Get Comfy
Things to do on the plane

Step 1: Take off your shoes. It’s so important to feel comfortable. There’s nothing worse than walking around the airport and trying to catch your flight, so your feet might want a little break. It feels so good and freeing, I’ll tell you that much.

Download A Playlist & JAM

Download A Playlist & JAM
Things to do on the plane

Step 2: Before your flight, download a playlist on Spotify, SoundCloud Go, or Apple Music. And have that ready to go and put on your Beats headphones, your bosses, whatever headphones you’ve got, and jam with some music.

I love listening to music, especially when I’m taking off and when I’m landing. It’s a lot of fun, and you can’t have your bigger electronics open. So it’s perfect to just listen to some music, jam out, and look like a crazy person.

Snuggle With Your Neighbour

Snuggle With Your Neighbour
Things to do on the plane

Step 3 is to snuggle with your neighbour if they feel comfortable. I was lucky to travel with a pal at that time. So I grabbed my sweater and snuggled up because, I mean, you might as well. You’re right next to them, or you can make friends by saying, “Hey, can you snuggle now? Because, like, I mean, they may fall asleep on you, or you may fall asleep on them.

Edit Photos And Plan Your Instagram

Edit Photos And Plan Your Instagram
Things to do on the plane

Step 4 is editing photos and planning your Instagram, a big favorite pastime of mine. I went to my gallery, and I had some pictures I took from my trip. And I was moving them around, seeing how I liked how they looked together.

And then, I also edited some photos that I still needed to edit. So I took it on my way to the airport, and it’s just fun and relaxing to listen to music and edit photos, and you have them ready to go once you land.

Read A Magazine Or Book

Read A Magazine Or Book
Things to do on the plane

Step 5: Read a magazine or book. I’m a big fan of reading on planes. Since you must be on an airplane, it’s a great way to go. So I’ll buy a book at the airport bookstore or bring one. Magazines are a favourite of mine as well. It should get to you, but it’s an excellent excuse to read.

Make Lists, It’s Fun

Make Lists, It's Fun
Things to do on the plane

step 6 makes lists. It’s fun. It might be me, but sometimes on flights, alright lists like things I need to buy for college or things I need to do when I get home or when I get to the hotel or whatever it is. It’s comforting to me, and then you get off the flight, and you’re so organized it’s impressive.

Pre Download Movies And Enjoy

Pre Download Movies And Enjoy
Things to do on the plane

Step 7 is pre-download movies. I had a ton of iTunes gift cards that I’d got from random occasions, and I went on iTunes and purchased some film. I downloaded them before my flight because you can’t do it while you’re on your flight, and I watched Bride Wars that day. I love that movie so much, and let me tell you, if it’s like a two-and-a-half hour flight, you watch one movie, you land, and it’s like, wow, impressive, this is awesome.

Plan Out Your Week Or Trip

Plan Out Your Week Or Trip

My last step 8 idea is to plan out your week or trip. I always bring my planner with me. I find it very relaxing, but again, to each his own.

So, I pulled out my planner and looked at the month ahead. I plan some activities that I want to do on my next trip. I designed things I needed to do and wrote down to-do lists things I just needed to do.

I hope you guys enjoyed this article things to do on the plane and found it helpful. Have a pleasant flight, safe travels, and enjoy wherever you’re headed. Make sure to comment below your next trip. I’m super curious.

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